WOD / Events

Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Runnng Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


Power Clean Complex:
2 Low Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean (ME)
*Reset at the floor for Power Clean

30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24 Fx: 24/16
25 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 32/24 Fx: 24/16
200 M Run (run counts for 200 reps)
15 KB Goblet lunges 32/24 Fx: 24/16
*immediate 5 burpee penalty anytime you break the movement or stop moving (can’t go to a steady “hold” position, must be moving)

Come join lululemon Tyson’s Corner Run the World Club. CrossFit Route 7 Provides strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level.  Cross-Training workouts are always the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at CrossFit Route 7.


Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30, of Auburndale, Fla., assigned to the 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., died April 27th, 2010, in Khalis, Iraq, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. He is survived by his wife Katrina Coe, two sons, Killian and Keith Jr., and daughter, Klover.


Ten rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Ring push-ups

Core Finisher
3-5 sets of Skin the cats
3 x 6 Dragon flags


5 sets of:
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk (A)
*Working Sets start at 75-80% of 1RM Split Jerk”

“Partner WOD:
6 Rounds (3 rounds each), Alternating Rounds. for total time
10 Hang Power Cleans 155/105, Fx: 135/95
20 Deadlifts 155/105, Fx: 135/95
30 Double Unders
RX+ 185/125”

Happy Halloween from CrossFit Route 7!


Come join lululemon Tyson’s Corner Run the World Club. CrossFit Route 7 Provides strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level.   Cross-Training workouts are always the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at CrossFit Route 7.


Halloween partner WOD (costumes encouraged and one athlete working at a time):
Both athletes complete a 200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (one pumpkin per team)
100 Pumpkin swings*
100 Pumpkin cleans (going to the ground each rep)
100 Pumpkin squats*
100 Pumpkin Push Press
100 Russian Twists w/ Pumpkin*
100 Walking overhead Pumpkin lunges
100 Box step-ups with your Pumpkin (24/20)*
100 Burpees over the Pumpkin
Both athletes complete a 200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (one pumpkin per team)

NOTE: During movements with an *, 2nd partner must hold a plank (forearm or on hands) while other partner is moving the pumpkin. Pumpkin cannot move if partner is not holding a plank.

Rx Pumpkin = 24/16 KB

Compare to 10/28/15


Come join lululemon Tyson’s Corner Run the World Club. CrossFit Route 7 Provides strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level.   Cross-Training workouts are always the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at CrossFit Route 7.


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Front Squat
Tuesday: Halloween Pumpkin WOD
Wednesday: Jerk Complex & Partner WOD
Thursday: Hero WOD Coe
Friday: Clean Complex
Saturday: HSPU
Sunday: Deadlifts


Front Squat:
3 x 10 (ME)

15 min AMRAP:
5 Rope Climbs, Fx: 3 Rope Climbs
10 Toes to Bar, Fx: 10 Toes to Bar
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups FX: Pull-ups
20 Cal Row
25 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 Fx: 35/20

OR 15 min AMRAP: Less Grippy Option
5 Rope Climbs, Fx: 3 Rope Climbs
10 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20
20 Cal Row
25 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 Fx: 35/20

*Save your grip for tomorrow if you train back to back days. Athletes choice.


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