WOD / Events

What nutrition goals have you set for the 2018? Maybe you’re someone who knows what to do and you’re just not doing it and need the push to get started. Or, maybe you have no idea where to start and want the info and resources that will move the needle and drive results. The 30-Day Reset Challenge will give you the accountability, tools, knowledge, and template to get your eating habits on track (and stay on track) for 2018. Register TODAY on Zen Planner for only $69!


5 sets of 7 reps*
*Let feel dictate load, build over the course of 5 sets
Rest 2-3 minutes

For time:
20 Toes-to-Bar
40 Walking Lunges with Two Kettlebells, Farmer’s Carry (24/16kg) (RX+ = 32/24kg)
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Walking Lunges with Two Kettlebells, Farmer’s Carry (24/16kg) (RX+ = 32/24kg)
20 Toes-to-Bar

(Optional Post-wod)
3 sets of:
DB Hammer Curls x 20 reps
Plank Hold x 60 Seconds

Inclement Weather Schedule update: 
Cancelled: 6:00 am and 7:00 am

Be safe out there. Please check Zen Planner, Facebook and the Wod posts for updates. Thanks.


What nutrition goals have you set for the 2018? Maybe you’re someone who knows what to do and you’re just not doing it and need the push to get started. Or, maybe you have no idea where to start and want the info and resources that will move the needle and drive results. The 30-Day Reset Challenge will give you the accountability, tools, knowledge, and template to get your eating habits on track (and stay on track) for 2018. Register TODAY on Zen Planner for only $69!


This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


On a running clock, for time:
Row 2000m

When the clock reaches 10 minutes, perform the following:

3 RFT:
15 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95 Fx: 115/80
15 Hollow Rocks

When the clock reaches 20 minutes, performing the following:

3 RFT:
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
15 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (2 x 50/35# Fx: 35/20)

Go as hard as possible in each segment of the workout!

Inclement Weather Schedule update: 
Due to no evening class reservations, school closings and the risk of freezing roadways. The 6:30 pm Wod and 7:30 pm Open gym has been cancelled.

Still Available:
4:30 pm Open Gym
5:30 pm WOD (Please Reserve)

Be safe out there. Please check Zen Planner, Facebook and the Wod posts for updates. The decision for tomorrow AM WODS will be decided by 10 Pm. Thanks.


What nutrition goals have you set for the 2018? Maybe you’re someone who knows what to do and you’re just not doing it and need the push to get started. Or, maybe you have no idea where to start and want the info and resources that will move the needle and drive results. The 30-Day Reset Challenge will give you the accountability, tools, knowledge, and template to get your eating habits on track (and stay on track) for 2018. Register TODAY on Zen Planner for only $69!


This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Pistols (alternating)
15 Pull-ups

Compare: 7/7/2015

Handstand Walk Skill Practice and Review (15-20 minutes)

Advanced athletes = 10 sets of 10m unbroken sets

What nutrition goals have you set for the 2018? Maybe you’re someone who knows what to do and you’re just not doing it and need the push to get started. Or, maybe you have no idea where to start and want the info and resources that will move the needle and drive results. The 30-Day Reset Challenge will give you the accountability, tools, knowledge, and template to get your eating habits on track (and stay on track) for 2018. Register TODAY on Zen Planner for only $69!


This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Every 2 for 20 (10 sets) of:
1 Power Clean + 1 Push-Jerk + 1 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk*
*Start very light, ~50% of 1 RM and work technique for first 5 sets, then use sets 5-10 to build to a heavy complex for the day
*Drop barbell after the push-jerk, this allows athletes to focus in on a good starting position for both power cleans

For time:
DB Snatch, alternating (50/35#)


What nutrition goals have you set for the 2018? Maybe you’re someone who knows what to do and you’re just not doing it and need the push to get started. Or, maybe you have no idea where to start and want the info and resources that will move the needle and drive results. The 30-Day Reset Challenge will give you the accountability, tools, knowledge, and template to get your eating habits on track (and stay on track) for 2018. Register TODAY on Zen Planner for only $69!


This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Back Squat
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
*Let feel dictate load, if you feel good, go for a PR, if not attempt ~85-95% for the singles

4 RFT:
10 Ring Dips Fx = Ring Push-ups
15 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
20 V-Ups
50 Double-Unders

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