WOD / Events

Free Spring Cleaning Bootcamp and Yoga Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm. The long Winter season is finally over. Lets shake off the dust and cob webs and get back in to fitness! Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a Free bootcamp style workout and Yoga. Bring a Friend it’s Fun for all levels of fitness.


Overview of Week
Monday: Strict Press
Tuesday: Back Squat
Wednesday: Benchmark WoD “Isabel”
Thursday: Ring Muscle Up Practice
Friday: Triple 7 Minute AMRAP
Saturday: Chipper
Sunday: Deadlift


20 Minutes clock:
15 Minutes to 1 RM Strict Press

In remaining 5 minutes:
1 Max Unbroken Set of Shoulder-to-Overhead with today’s 1 RM Strict Press

5-10-15-20-25 etc…
DB Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35,  Fx: 35/25 alternate every 5 reps
C2B Pull-ups, Fx: Pull-ups

Free Spring Cleaning Bootcamp and Yoga Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm. The long Winter season is finally over. Lets shake off the dust and cob webs and get back in to fitness! Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a Free bootcamp style workout and Yoga. Bring a Friend it’s Fun for all levels of fitness.


For time:
30 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25
30 Knees-to-Elbows
30 Sit-ups
30 Cal Row
30 Sit-ups
30 Knees-to-Elbows
30 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25


15 minutes of:
Work on a gymnastics skill you need to improve (muscle-ups, HSPU, C2B Pull-ups, hand-stand walk etc.)


Free Spring Cleaning Bootcamp and Yoga Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm. The long Winter season is finally over. Lets shake off the dust and cob webs and get back in to fitness! Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a Free bootcamp style workout and Yoga. Bring a Friend it’s Fun for all levels of fitness.


On a running clock:

For time*:
Overhead Squats 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Toes-to-Bar, Fx: knees-to-elbows

*14:00 Cap

When the clock reaches 15:00 begin…

For time, teams of 2:
300 Calorie Row* (RX+:AAB Cals)
*Partner 1 starts on the row, Partner 2 begins on a 400m run. Partner’s alternate row/running until 300 calories is complete

Free Spring Cleaning Bootcamp and Yoga Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm. The long Winter season is finally over. Lets shake off the dust and cob webs and get back in to fitness! Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a Free bootcamp style workout and Yoga. Bring a Friend it’s Fun for all levels of fitness.


Deadlift 20 minutes
Build up to a tough single / 1 RM

EMOM 16:
Odd Minutes – 8 Push-Jerks 135/95 + 4 Over-the-Bar Burpees, Fx: 115/75
Even Minutes – 1-6 Ring Muscle-ups, Fx: 10 Ring Dips)

2 Sets:
Single-Leg KB Deadlift x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Plank x 1:20
Rest as needed

Free Spring Cleaning Bootcamp and Yoga Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm. The long Winter season is finally over. Lets shake off the dust and cob webs and get back in to fitness! Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a Free bootcamp style workout and Yoga. Bring a Friend it’s Fun for all levels of fitness.


Yoga cancelled this Thursday, May 3rd! That doesn’t mean we wont be stretching. ROMWOD Warrior Day is in full affect!


Rope Climb Review and Skill Work (15 minutes)

Advanced Athletes:
EMOM 10:
1 Rope Climb +10 Alternating Pistols

‘2018 AGOQ Workout 2’
4 RFT:
25 C2B Pull-ups, Fx: pull-ups
5 Cleans 245/170,  power or squat Fx: Scale to 75% of 1 RM clean

(15:00 Cap)


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