WOD / Events

Push Press:
4 x 8 (A: 75-80% of 1RM)

12/9 Cal Row
8 Burpees Over the Rower, Fx: 8 burpees

Rest 4:00

10/7 Assault Bike Calories
8 Toes to bar, Fx: V-ups

Rest 4:00

100 m Run
8 Handstand Push ups, Fx: Hand release Push ups

*Score is total Gymnastics reps

**Each 4 min working period should be an all out sprint

Sumo Deadlift:
3 x 10 (A: 75-80% of 1RM Deadlift)

Superset with 3 x 10 Supermans w/2 count hold

6 Hang Power Clean and Jerks 115/85, Fx:95/65
12 Box Jumps 24/20

Yoga cancelled tonight.


Muscle Up Skills and Drills:
Rx: 5 x 3 Strict Muscle Ups
Fx: 5 sets of 3 swings + 1 Muscle up (or a similar complex).

3-5 Sets:
5 False Grip Ring Pull ups, 5 False grip ring rows
5 Low ring transitions

4 rounds:
400m Run
4 Muscle Ups Fx: 4 Chest to bar Pull ups + 4 Ring dips
40 Double Unders

*Courtesy CrossFit New England

3 x :45
Front Rack KB Wall Sit

Rest 1:00


Back Squats:
Every 4 Minutes for 20 Minutes
Perform 10 Reps (ME: Working sets start at 60% of 1RM)

Accessory-3 Sets of:
16 DB Bulgarian Split Squats (8L/8R)
15 Partner situps with Medball toss
10 Ring Rows (go weighted or elevate feet on box if possible)

Snatch Complex:
6x 1 Low Hang below the knee Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang above the knee Power Snatch (ME)

6 x 2 Low Hang Power Snatch (A: above the knee)

“2018 Regionals Event 6”
For time:

4 rope climbs
16 thrusters 155/105, Fx: 115/80
3 rope climbs
12 thrusters 155/105, Fx: 115/80
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters 155/105 , FX:115/80

Regionals Time cap: 7 minutes (Allow athletes to go over based on time available in class but use this as a benchmark)

1 489 490 491 492 493 743

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