Hero Wod: ‘”Manion”
7 RFT:
400m Run
29 Back Squats* (135/95#)
*must clean bar up from the ground
Hero Wod: ‘”Manion”
7 RFT:
400m Run
29 Back Squats* (135/95#)
*must clean bar up from the ground
5 Sets of:
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split Jerk + Split Jerk
(Pause in receiving position of last split jerk for 2 seconds before recovering)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
AMRAP 14*:
100 Strict Press 45/35
80 Bent-Over BB Rows 45/35
40 Hang Power Clean and Push-Press (45/35#)
*Penalty for Breaking up movements: 5 burpees
3 Sets – with light/warm-up loads of:
Double KB Stagger Legged Dead-lift x 20 reps (10 with each leg forward)
Rest as needed
Glute-bridge w/ 1 second hold at top x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 sets) of:
400m Run
8 Dead-lifts 315/225, Fx: 225/155
12 C2B Pull-ups, Fx: Pull-ups
3 sets of:
Barbell Curl x 10 reps
Ring Muscle-ups
20 Minutes skill score/technique practice, to include:
Muscle up technique progressions (if athlete has requesite strength of 5 strict pull-ups and ring dips)
Accumulate 40 reps of the following:
Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed
Strict Ring Dips
*Rest as needed
Advanced Athletes:
For Max Reps (18 minutes):
3 Sets of:
:90 on / :90 off
Ring Muscle-ups
3 Sets of:
:60 on / :120 off
Ring Muscle-ups
Record total reps completed
KBS (32/24) Fx = 24/16
Box Jumps 24/20
Front Squat
4 Super-Sets of:
Front Squat x 8 reps (start at 65% and build over the course of 4 sets)
Handstand Walk x 25 feet (scale = 25 shoulder taps against wall or: 30 handstand hold)
Every 2:00 for 14:00 (7 sets) of:
36 Double-Unders
9 Toes-to-Bar
3 Power Cleans (athletes choice)*
*Score = Heaviest Set of 3 Power Cleans Completed