WOD / Events

Thank you to everyone (43 responses) for your extremely valuable feedback on our 2018 member survey! We have reviewed the feedback – click here to review our insight into the most common questions/concerns and changes we are making to our box operations.
Your feedback helps us improve the box in our constant pursuit of excellence – we hope you are excited about the changes you will see over the next few weeks!

It’s time to get up and over the rings. This Saturday, October 27th, we’ll spend an hour working on skills, drills, progression and hopefully some first time muscle ups. More than a party trick, this movement bridges the gap in gymnastics and strength and increases the intensity of standard pull up workouts. Tell a friend and come on out. Free For members and $10 drop in fee for non members.


Cox Farm Cancelled do to weather conditions. Support all of our CFR7 and BCF athletes at the 2018 Fall Brawl at CrossFit Lorton!



Bench Press
5 x 10 (Across 65-75% of 1RM)

Superset with 8-10 Ring Rows

5 Sets:
5 Manmakers (across)
10-15 GHD Sit ups, Fx: V ups
*Rest as needed, Quality, not for time

*Manmaker: Push Up + Renegade Row L/R + Pop to Power Clean + Thruster

Thank you to everyone (43 responses) for your extremely valuable feedback on our 2018 member survey! We have reviewed the feedback – click here to review our insight into the most common questions/concerns and changes we are making to our box operations.
Your feedback helps us improve the box in our constant pursuit of excellence – we hope you are excited about the changes you will see over the next few weeks!

Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga: https://www.puori.com/blog/2015/12/01/yoga-for-crossfit#


Strict Pull Up Development:
RX+: 5 x 3 Weighted Pull ups, Tempo 3010
RX: 5 x 3-5 Pull ups, Tempo 3010

*Coaches Choice for best progressions

Throwdown Wod 2:
4 person team:
Buy In: 15 Rope Climbs 15
(1 person works, 3 rest)
(2 people work, 2 rest)
100 Front Squats 115/80
100 T2B
100 Front Rack Lunges 115/80

Cash Out 15 Rope Climbs
(1 person works, 3 rest)

Come out tonight at 6:30 PM with a friend and your costume for a night of fun and fitness! We will have a fun workout for ghouls and goblins of all levels. No CrossFit Experience needed.
Everyone that comes to WODaween night will be entered into a raffle. 1 male and 1 female will each receive a lululemon Blackcard for a Tee/Tank or Crop top.
Not a member? Cool, reserve your spot here. https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


It’s time to get up and over the rings. This Saturday, October 27th at 11:30AM, we’ll spend an hour working on skills, drills, progression and hopefully some first time muscle ups. More than a party trick, this movement bridges the gap in gymnastics and strength and increases the intensity of standard pull up workouts. Tell a friend and come on out. $10 drop in fee for non members.


“Paranormal Activity”
Partner WOD:

10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25, Fx: 25/15
10 Burpees to Plate
Rest 3:00

12/9 Assault Bike Calories
15 Slam Balls
Rest 3:00

10 Push Ups
20 Abmat Sit ups
Rest 3:00

12/9 Ski erg Calories
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24, Fx: 24/16

1 working, 1 resting. break up reps as desired

Come out Wednesday, October 24th at 6:30PM with a friend and your costume for a night of fun and fitness! We will have a fun workout for ghouls and goblins of all levels. No CrossFit Experience needed.
Everyone that comes to WODaween night will be entered into a raffle. 1 male and 1 female will each receive a lululemon Blackcard for a Tee/Tank or Crop top.
Not a member? Cool, reserve your spot here. https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


It’s time to get up and over the rings. We’ll spend an hour working on skills, drills, progression and hopefully some first time muscle ups. More than a party trick, this movement bridges the gap in gymnastics and strength and increases the intensity of standard pull up workouts. Tell a friend and come on out. $10 drop in fee for non members.


Back Squat
5 x 3 @ 85 – 90% (or heavier than last week)

Row Primer:
alternating with a partner row 100, 200, 300 meters each

:30 work x :30 Rest x 4
RX+ 6 rounds
* Performed Correctly the first Round should be the highest Score
*Record ALL 4 Scores in order

Finisher: Skin the Cats
5 x 5

or goat work

Come out Wednesday, October 24th at 6:30PM with a friend and your costume for a night of fun and fitness! We will have a fun workout for ghouls and goblins of all levels. No CrossFit Experience needed.
Everyone that comes to WODaween night will be entered into a raffle. 1 male and 1 female will each receive a lululemon Blackcard for a Tee/Tank or Crop top.
Not a member? Cool, reserve your spot here. https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


It’s time to get up and over the rings. We’ll spend an hour working on skills, drills, progression and hopefully some first time muscle ups. More than a party trick, this movement bridges the gap in gymnastics and strength and increases the intensity of standard pull up workouts. Tell a friend and come on out. $10 drop in fee for non members.


Overview of week:
Monday: Push Press Comple
Tuesday: Back Squats
Wednesday: WODaween Workout
Thursday: Strict Pull-ups
Friday: Bench Press
Saturday: Hero WOD
Sunday: Front Rack Lunges


Power Clean Push Press Complex
5 Sets of:
3 Power Cleans + 5 Push Press
*ME: Increase Loading Every Set
*Complex is performed Unbroken (Touch and Go)

10 Hang Power Cleans and Jerks 95/65, Rx+: 115/80
10 Burpees 

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