WOD / Events

Join us for a Free Tastings on January 8th for a free Kettlebell Kitchen Tasting. Kim will be at the noon WOD and again in the evening from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Some great tasting, health options are to help fuel your performance to give you more results.

Strength and Skill Schedule:
Monday: 1RM Back Squat
Tuesday: Ring Muscle Up Test Day
Wednesday: Strict Press
Thursday: 1RM Deadlift
Friday: 500 m Row Test
Saturday: HSPU
Sunday: Heavy Fran

25 min to establish 1RM Back Squat

For Time:
3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
15/12 Calorie Row
10 Burpees over the medicine ball (must face the med ball and jump over the center of it)

Stagger Athletes 60-90 seconds

Join us for a Free Tastings on January 8th for a free Kettlebell Kitchen Tasting. Kim will be at the noon WOD and again in the evening from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Some great tasting, health options are to help fuel your performance to give you more results.

E3MOM 15
5 Hang Power Snatches @60-65% or 1RM Snatch

Should be touch and go. Athletes focus on cycling.

6 Rounds
10 Power Snatches (75/55)
10 Burpees over the Bar

Shoulder Mobility

Free Ring Muscle Up Clinic this Saturday, January 5th at 11:30 am. $10 for drop ins

Paralette Gymnastics Skills

5 Rounds
Rx (on paralettes): 5 Push Up w/ 3 sec. plank hold then max time L-sit
Fx (on plates): 5 Push Up w/ 3 sec. plank hold then max time support hold

Rest 2 mins between rounds

Min 1: 10 Toes to Bar (Fx: 7)
Min 2: Cal Assault Bike
Min 3: 10 C2B Pull Ups (Fx: Pull ups)
Min 4: Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
Min 5: Rest

Score is total cals and wall balls.

Free Ring Muscle Up Clinic this Saturday, January at 1130 am. $10 for drop ins 

Join us for a Free Tastings on January 8th for a free Kettlebell Kitchen Tasting. Kim will be at the noon WOD and again in the evening from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Some great tasting, health options are to help fuel your performance to give you more results.

E2MOM 14 Minutes
2@90% of 2RM

5 Rounds
15 Jumping Air Squats to Box (24/20)
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx: 115/80)

Posterior Chain Mobility

Free Ring Muscle Up Clinic this Saturday, January at 1130 am. $10 for drop ins

Join us for a Free Tastings on January 8th for a free Kettlebell Kitchen Tasting. Kim will be at the noon WOD and again in the evening from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Some great tasting, health options are to help fuel your performance to give you more results.

Ring Muscle Up Development

4 Rounds
Rx+: 3 Strict + 6 Kipping
Rx: 1 Strict + 5 Kipping
Fx (C2B): 1 Strict + 5 Kipping + 5 Ring Dips
Scaled (PU): 1 Strict + 5 Kipping + 5 Assisted Ring Dips

Rest 2 mins between rounds
Coaches note: Athletes with requisite strength should be attempting muscles ups

200m Run
5 Push Press (165/115) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 185/125)
10 HSPU (Fx: 7 HSPU) (Rx+ 4″ deficit)

1 450 451 452 453 454 743

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