Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:
Crongulations to the CFR7/BCF family owning the podium.
DEADLINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19: Please fill out the spreadsheet if you are interested in purchasing this hoodie. We have chosen to go with the classic design.The price is $40, Please make payment via cash or paypal. REMEMBER PAYPAL IS SENT VIA FRIENDS AND FAMILY (no fees) to [email protected].
Hang Squat Clean Thruster 1RM
U.S. Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan
U.S. Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, of Gloucester City, New Jersey, died Nov. 15, 2004, from a roadside bomb in Ramadi, Iraq. The 25-year-old was a weapons specialist assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at the Marine Corps Base Camp in Pendleton, California. Ryan is survived by his parents, Thomas and Linda; brother, Chris; and sister, Lauren.
21 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters, 135/95
FX: 95/65