Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Thursday, February 21st at 7:30PM, let’s get together for the Official Launch of the the CrossFit Open season with watching the release of Open WOD 19.1. If you are feeling bold enough you can be one of the first to perform the WOD.

The CrossFit Open is a global event. Over the years, the five-week celebration and competition have developed to reflect a growing sport and our international community. And since the inaugural workout release in 2011, the Open announcements have been a celebrated rallying point for the CrossFit community.


Fitness & performance:
Valentines Day Partner WoD
In teams of one guy and one girl, for time:
Row 1000m
50 overhead walking KB lunges, 24/16
50 kettlebell swings, 24/16
50 kettlebell cleans, 24/16
50 kettlebell push press, 24/16
50 pushups
50 squat cleans (95/65)
50 box jumps (24/20)
50 sit-ups
50 burpees
Row 1000m
RX+: 32/24 and 115/80
*Only one partner working at a time.
**Compare to 2/14/17, 2/14/2016 and 2/14/2015

Note: Teams must share the same barbell for squat cleans and adjust the weight each time they switch.