We’re just a few days away from the first DEXA scan at Ballston CrossFit this Saturday! Sign up for a before/after scan for $150, or a one-time scan for $90.

2-3 mins of Jump Rope
10 Burpees
10 V-Ups
10 Air/Feet Together Squats
A) Cyclist Squats– 4×20
B) Skater Squats– 4x 8-10 e/s
For the Cyclist Squats you will want to find something to stand on and raise your heels- a weight plate or small piece of 2×4 works well. You will keep your feet together (extra points for keeping your knees together too) and squat as deep as you can without allowing your back to round too much. Add weight as desired/available.
On the Skater Squats you will do them one leg at a time- start with no weight, and build up as you’re able.
-6 Rounds-
Work 1 min: Rest 30 sec
20 Down-Up Tuck Jumps (Fx= 15)
50 Double Unders (Fx= 35 DUs or 75 Singles)
Basically you’re trying to do all 20 Down-Up/Tuck Jumps in one minute, rest for 30 seconds, then do all 50 Double Unders in 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds- repeat 6 times.