Thursday, October 11, 2018


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga:


Saturday, October 13 at 4:30pm hosted at CFR7. Get excited BCF, CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 7th annual BCF vs. CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!

We will have the following from each box:
3 women individual competitors
3 men individual competitors
2 teams (2 men, 2 women on each)

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!

We still need judges for the BCF/CFR7/CFSA Throwdown next weekend!! If you can help out, please follow the link below and add your name to the list.

Competition Roster


In 15:00 Athletes must Accumulate
50 Strict C2B Pull Ups, Fx: Strict Pull Ups
40 Strict Handstand Push ups, Fx: Kip
30 Strict Toes to Bar, Fx: Kipp

Break reps and movements as desired. Rest as needed.
RX+: Straight through

*Scaled Athletes should perform:
*Ring Rows
*Hand release Push ups

Running Intervals
Run 400m
100m Easy
Run 300m
100m Easy
Run 200m
100m Easy
Run 100m
100m Easy
*Score is total time
*Courtesy Chris Henshaw