Member Spotlight – Daniela Sonderegger (October 2015)

– How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)? I workout 5 or 6x a week. I’m usually at the gym with the early bird crew at 6:00 or 7:00 am.
– What is your favorite thing about CFR7? The gym is big (we’re lucky to have such a big facility in this area) and the people are great.
– What is your favorite movement/workout? Least favorite? Heavy squat snatches, handstand walks, pull-ups. Least favorite – too many to list but top two are probably thrusters and assault bike.
– What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)? 185lb squat snatch and finally being a faster runner (running used to be one of my least favorite things in a metcon).
– What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year? Crush at least one open workout (they always crush me).
– What advice can you provide to people new to the box? Be patient and kind to yourself. CrossFit has a bunch of complex movements and progress isn’t always linear. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Some of the best advice I’ve gotten is from talking to others.
E3MOM 15
Romanian Deadlifts
1: 8@40 – 45%
2: 8@45 – 50%
3: 8@45 – 50%
4: 8@45 – 50%
5: 8@50 – 55%
% Based on 1RM Deadlift
7 Rounds
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16) (Rx+: 15 Reps)
20 Double Unders (Rx+: 40 Double Unders)