Weather Alert: We will be OPEN for our AM classes tomorrow.
We will be OPEN for the Noon class, and continue to reassess for the evening classes. Check back after 2:30 for an announcement!
Member Spotlight – Andrew Watson (July 2015)

How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?
I typically work out at noon or 430 3-4 times a week
– What is your favorite thing about CFR7?
The coaches! Great people and they give excellent tips on the movements
– What is your favorite movement/workout? Least favorite?
The thruster is actually my favorite. I feel like it’s a core CrossFit movement that most people can do. Nobody likes burpees haha
– What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)?
My overhead squat has really improved
– What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?
I would like to kick up on the wall and do a handstand push up
– What advice can you provide to people new to the box?
Be patient. Your body won’t always cooperate but mobility and the strength will come and you will surprise yourself
E3MOM 15
Front Squat
1: 3@70 – 75% (:03 Pause)
2: 3@75 – 80%
3: 3@75 – 80%
4: 3@75 – 80%
5: 3@80 – 85%
36 – 24 – 12
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100 Double Unders After Each Round (Fx: 50 DUs)
Time Cap 16:00