Halloween Partner WOD
(costumes encouraged and one athlete working at a time)
Both athletes complete a 200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (One pumpkin per team)
100 Pumpkin swings*
100 Pumpkin cleans (From the floor)
100 Pumpkin squats*
100 Pumpkin Push Press
100 Russian Twists w/ Pumpkin*
100 Walking overhead Pumpkin lunges
100 Box step-ups with your Pumpkin (24/20)*
100 Burpees over the Pumpkin
Both athletes complete a 200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (One pumpkin per team)
NOTE: During movements with an*, 2nd partner must hold a plank (forearm or on hands) while other partner is moving the pumpkin. Pumpkin cannot move if partner is not holding a plank.
Pumpkin Weights (24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)
Compare to: 10/31/18, 10/31/17 and 10/28/15