Every 1:30, 4 Rounds
1) 18/14 Calorie Ski (FX: 14/11) (RX+: 22/17)
2) 18/14 Calorie Bike (FX: 14/11) (RX+: 22/17)
3) 9 Burpees to 12″ Target (FX: 7) (RX+: 11) + AMRAP 50′ Shuttle Runs
4-5) Rest
Every 1:30, 4 Rounds
1) 18/14 Calorie Ski (FX: 14/11) (RX+: 22/17)
2) 18/14 Calorie Bike (FX: 14/11) (RX+: 22/17)
3) 9 Burpees to 12″ Target (FX: 7) (RX+: 11) + AMRAP 50′ Shuttle Runs
4-5) Rest