Come join us for Squad WOD on January 27th for “The Lou” Workout!
We are joining gyms across the country to raise awareness and funds to support the “Live Like Lou Foundation,” which fights Lou Gehrig’s disease. This foundation was created to support a former gym owner and Games athlete who was diagnosed with ALS in 2022.
“The Lou”
44 Rounds – Split with Partner
4 Wallballs
4 Pull-ups
4 Burpees
4 DB Snatches (50/35)
All you have to do is show up! If you would like to donate, please donate HERE: https://thelou.crowdchange.co/37444
You can also register and start your OWN fundraising page as well. First 244 participants to raise $144 get NoBull wristbands and a Live Like Lou T-Shirt! Just follow the link above!
See you on January 27th!