Saturday, February 25, 2017
Schedule Changes starting 2/27:
*No 7:30 pm WODS from February 27-March 13. 7:30 pm will be open gym.
*Starting March 13,we are adding a 4:30 pm WODS to Mondays and Wednesdays. 9:00 am WODS to Saturdays.
*RESERVE FOR CLASSES: We will be increasing the Cap to 25 and staff 2 coaches for capacity classes.
5 RM Front Squat Retest.
Option 1: Perform a 20 Rep Attempt at established 5RM
Option 2: Establish a new 5 RM
4 Rounds:
200m Run
20 sit-ups
15 C2B Pull-ups FX: Pull-ups
10 pistols FX: Goblet Squats 24/16