Sunday, February 26, 2017


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another:

Schedule Changes starting 2/27:
*No 7:30 pm WODS from February 27-March 13. 7:30 pm will be open gym.
*Starting March 13,we are adding a 4:30 pm WODS to Mondays and Wednesdays.  9:00 am WODS to Saturdays.
*RESERVE FOR CLASSES: We will be increasing the Cap to 25 and staff 2 coaches for capacity classes.


Power Snatch EMOM 10:
ODD: 4 Power Snatches at 85%
EVEN: 40 Double Unders

For Time:
Overhead Squats 115/80 Fx: 95/66
Hang Power Cleans 115/80 95/65
RX+: 135/95