Monday, September 11, 2023


Monday, September 11, 2023

Join us today for a 9/11 Tribute WOD, as we honor and remember all those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, at the NYC World Trade Center, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. #NeverForget

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
Monday9/11 Tribute WOD
TuesdayStrict Press
Wednesday3RM Deadlift (Fx: 5×3)
ThursdaySnatch Balance Development
FridayUpper Body Pull, Core
SaturdaySquad WOD
SundayLong Conditioning Intervals

9/11 Tribute
For Time
2001 Meter Run
11 Front Squats (165/115) (FX: 125/85) (RX+: 205/145)
11 Box Jumps (30/24) (FX: 24/20)
11 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (FX: Pull-Ups) (RX+: Bar Muscle-Ups)
11 Hang Power Cleans (165/115) (FX: 125/85) (RX+: 205/145)
11 Box Jumps (30/24) (FX: 24/20)
11 Toes to Bar
11 Squat Cleans (165/115) (FX: 125/85) (RX+: 205/145)
11 Box Jumps (30/24) (FX: 24/20)
11 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)
*28:00 Cap