Memorial Day Weekend Schedule:
Saturday: Regular Schedule
Sunday: Closed
Monday; 9 am WOD: MURPH
Please Reserve. A 10 am WOD will be made available after Reservation Cap is met
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: Push Jerk
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Rope Climb Technique
Friday: “Grace”
Saturday: Front Squat
Sunday: Partner WOD
Meathead Monday:

Bench Press: 3 x 5 (ME)
Strict pull-ups, 4 sets of burnouts (feel free to go weighted)
Giant Set:
DB Bicep Curl 3 x 8 each side (ME)
DB Ticep Kick Back 3 x 8 (ME)
Single Arm DB/KB Row 3 x 8 each side (ME)
15 GHD Situps, Scale: 15 abmat situps
Optional finisher:
1 mile time trial