Friday, January 16, 2015

We have a free class every Saturday at 10am and Tuesday at 6:30pm – please invite your friends/co-workers to come experience a fun free WOD! Also, if you work near the box, please take some of our promo cards on the front desk and pass them out to your co-workers and place them in your kitchen in your office!



Shoulder mobility to open up for kipping:  and

Ankle mobility for OHS: KB ankle mobility for dorsiflection and roller


Kipping pull-up technique or:

30 pull ups for time*
*Rest 60 seconds, repeat two more times.

7 rounds:
7 Overhead squats (95/65)
14 sit-ups (butterfly or knees up allowed)

7 rounds:
7 Overhead squats (135/95)
14 sit-ups (butterfly or knees up allowed)