Working on your Ring Muscle-Ups? Join us for a Skills Clinic tonight at 5:45 PM! StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets10 Back Squats1-2) 55-60%3-4) 60-65% Superset Accessory (3+ out of 4 sets)10 Prone Swimmers Conditioning4 Rounds for Time:250/200m Row (FX: 200/150m)20 Sit-Ups10 Power Cleans (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105)*14:00 CapRead More
“Helen”3 Rounds For Time400m Run21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)12 Pull-Ups*Compare to 6/5/23 Strength/SkillEvery 1:30, 8 Sets3-5 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: 1-2) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups) Scaled:1) 10-15 Feet Elevated Ring Rows w/ Pause at Top2) 10-15 Deficit Push-Ups w/ Pause at ChestRead More
StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets10 Deadlifts1-2) 50-55%3-4) 55-60% Superset Accessory (3+ out of 4 sets)10 Cossack Squats Conditioning2 Rounds for Time:500/400m Row (FX: 400/300m)800m Run (FX: 600m)*14:00 Cap*RX+: Sub 12:00Read More
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