Conditioning10 Rounds for Time:250/200m Row200m Run30 Double Unders OR Crossover Single Unders (FX: Single Unders)*30:00 Cap*RX+: 12 Rounds Cooldown1:00 on, :10 off1) Saddle Pose2) Downdog to Seal Pose3-4) Calf Stretch w/ Rig (1:00 each side)5) Deep Squat Hold w/ RigRead More
StrengthEvery 2:00, 6 Sets1-3) 3 Back Squat (70, 75, 80%)4-6) 6 Tempo Back Squat (3s down) (50, 55, 60%) Conditioning3 Rounds of 1:00 on, :10 off1) Descending Calorie Bike2) Descending Wall Balls (20/14)3) AMRAP Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Ring Muscle-Ups)4) Rest*Score: Total Bar Muscle-Ups*RX/RX+ Min: 15 RepsRX:Calories: (24/18) (20/15) (16/12)Wall Balls:...Read More
ConditioningAMRAP 24400m Run6 Power Cleans (165/115) (FX: 125/85) (RX+: 205/145)12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)*RX/RX+ Min: 5 Rounds Cooldown1:00 on, :10 off1-2) Pigeon Pose (1:00 each side)3-4) Hip Flexor Stretch5-6) Single Leg Forward FoldRead More
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