Are these movements keeping you from crushing WODs? We will be having skills clinics every other Monday at 5:45pm to work on these movements. Reserve your spot in Zen Planner! DateMovement9/4Toes-To-Bar/Double-Unders9/18Ring Muscle-Ups10/2Kipping Pull-Ups/Butterfly Pull-Ups10/16Bar Muscle-Ups10/30Handstand Push-Ups/Walks11/13Rope Climbs11/27Toes-To-Bar/Double Unders12/11Ring Muscle-UpsRead More
We teamed up with O.W.N. (Optimal Wellness Nutrition) to bring you a wonderful nutrition challenge for the New Year! WHEN:In-Person Nutrition Seminar/Challenge Kick-Off!:Saturday, January 11th, 11 AM (immediately after class!) CHALLENGE LENGTH:We begin on Monday, January 13th! 50 days! FOR WHO?ANYONE who is new to nutrition and looking for some guidance; experienced with nutrition looking...Read More
StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets10 Back Squats1) 55-60%2-3) 60-65%4) 65-70% ConditioningAMRAP 15 w/ Partner – Split Reps Any Way100 Double Unders (FX: 75 OR Single Unders)25 Deadlifts100 Double Unders (FX: 75 OR Single Unders)25 Front Squats100 Double Unders (FX: 75 OR Single Unders)25 Push Press*Weights: (115/80) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 135/95)Read More
Happy Thanksgiving!Modified Holiday Schedule7:30 AM – Open Gym9 AM – WOD “Thanksgiving with the Girls” For Time6 Rounds (FX: 4)5 Pull-Ups (RX+: Chest to Bar Pull-Up)10 Push-Ups (RX+: Hand Release Push-Up)15 Air Squats (RX+: Jump Squat)into…50-30-10Double UndersSit-Upsinto…15 Snatches (135/95) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 165/115)into…75 Wall Balls (20/14)into…15 Clean and Jerk (135/95) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 165/115)*25:00 Cap*In...Read More
StrengthEvery 2:00, 8 Sets1-4) 2 High Hang Power Clean (↑, start at 50-60% of 1RM CJ)5-8) 1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean (↑)*Hold onto bar b/t reps ConditioningAMRAP 816 Bar Facing Burpees8 Hang Power Clean (155/105) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 185/125)*RX/RX+ Min: 3 RoundsRead More
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