Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayCleanTuesdayPush Press WednesdayBack Squat5:45pm Bar Muscle-UpSkills ClinicThursdayHalloween WODFridayUpper Body Push / Pull SaturdaySquad WOD9am Coffland Challenge Veteran’s Day WODSundayUnilateral Lower Body Strength and ConditioningAMRAP 1520/15 Calorie Row (FX: 15/10)15 Toes to Bar (FX: 10)10 Front Squats (115/80) (FX: 75/55)into… Rest 5:00 into…In 10:00Build to Heavy Squat Clean Single(FX: Every 2:00, 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat...Read More
POWER YOGA TODAY! 8 – 8:45 AMFamily and friends welcome for a $10 drop-in! StrengthEvery 1:30, 4 Rounds1) 10 Tempo Incline Seal Row2) 10 Tempo Double Dumbbell Straddle Z-Press3) 15-20 V-Ups/Tuck-Ups*X03-Tempo – 3s down ConditioningAMRAP 824 Sit-Ups8 Single Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)4 Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+:...Read More
Seventh Heaven, Comp Class TODAY! : Join us at 7:15 AM for some fun!WODS: 9 & 10 AM Squad WOD4 Rounds of 6:00 on, 2:00 off – w/ Partner300m Team Run (FX: 200m OR Split)into…AMRAP – Alternate Full Movements12/9 Calorie Row (FX: 9/6)9 Box Jumps (24/20)6 Power Clean (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105)3 Bar Muscle-Ups...Read More
Join us for Core-Flex at 5:45 PM tonight! Sign up on ZenPlanner! StrengthEvery 2:00, 4 Rounds1) 4 Tempo Bench Press + 4 Bench Press (50-60%)2) 6 Tempo Single Dumbbell Row + 6 Single Dumbbell Row (e/s)*3s down, 1s pause (at chest for Bench, in hang for Row) Conditioning4 Rounds of 1:00 on, :10 off1) 300/250m...Read More
No classes today! Instead, come support Girls Gone RX! First heat kicks off at 8 AM and we’ll finish around 3 PM! We are hosting over 30 teams of women from all over the DMV for a competition to fight breast cancer! We invite you all to come cheer on our athletes and fight breast...Read More
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