Ashish Gour


Ashish Gour

It’s been just over a year since I first started with CrossFit and I am pleasantly surprised that I am still working out and in fact look forward to the next WOD. I had tried various places and plans to work out but always used to drop out or get injured and quit.

This time it is different and it is all thanks to the community at CFR7 and more importantly the excellent coaching staff. The moral support that the community provides has allowed me to come back week after week and the personal attention of the coaching staff has helped me scale everything to my fitness level and stay away from major injuries.

I am specially thankful to have Coach Mike as a part of the coaching staff. He has been instrumental in my personal progression in the past few months. Some of the key changes that he helped me make were very simple but very important:

  1. Shoes – I used to wear running shoes that were affecting my stability and posture. Mike identified the issue and had me try different shoes that helped me improve on my stability and also feel comfortable during other movements.
  2. Diet – Being raised in India, my regular diet  is different than what is regularly recommended. Mike actually took the time after a class to speak to a group of us (mostly Indians) to help us understand how we can adjust our diet to get the best results.
  3. Scaling – I have had a kidney surgery when I was young and hence I am slower than most. Mike again understood my limitations and has scaled most of the WODs to fit my needs.. I have also seen him do the same for a lot of others members of the gym.

The best part about Coach Mike is that he does not make it easy for anyone. He pushes us to our limits while making sure we bend but do not break.

So a BIG THANKS again to CFR7 coaches and community! I am not the best athlete but that doesn’t matter as I am certainly a much better version of myself from last year! The only decision I made was to show up consistently and everything else was taken care of by the great team at CRF7!