Get ready for foundations in full affect. With 37 students in the 6 Week New You Challenge, our Foundations course will be running 6 days a week for the next 2 weeks. Class times are at 6:30 am, Noon and 6:45 pm. Please greet all new faces as they take on CrossFit for the first time. Let’s be warm and welcoming while they learn the ropes. Thanks, Coaching Team.
Strength for the Week:
Monday: “Nutts” Hero WOD
Tuesday: Hang Squat Clean
Wednesday: Rope Climbs/Muscle ups
Thursday: Deadlift
Friday: Hang Squat Snatch
Saturday: HSPU
Sunday: Strict Pull-ups/TGU
For time:
10 HSPU’s
15 Deadlifts (250/175)
25 box jumps (30/24)
50 pull-ups
100 wall balls (20/14) – men shoot to 10′, women shoot to 9′
200 double unders
400m run carrying a plate (45/25) – use a plate off your DL bar””
Compare: 2/18/2017