Don’t forget about Bring A Friend Day on Wednesday!

Monday | Dumbbell Bench/Row/Pullovers | Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30PM! Click here to register now |
Tuesday | Hang Squat Cleans | |
Wednesday | Core | Bring A Friend Day! |
Thursday | Back Squats | Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30PM! Click here to register now |
Friday | High Intensity Interval Training | |
Saturday | Deadlifts | Shoulder Maintenance and Mobilization Clinic with Dr. Stacy Snow, 11 AM Free 7-Fit Class at 10AM! Click here to register now |
Sunday | Strict Press |
E2MOM 18
1: 5 Each Arm Tempo Dumbbell Bench Press (30×3)
2: 5 Each Arm Tempo Dumbbell Bent Over Row (30×3)
3: 10 Dumbbell Pull Overs
3 Rope Climbs (Fx: 2) (Rx+: 1 Legless + 2 Normal)
6 Power Snatches (155/105) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 185/125)
9 Box Jumps (30/24) (Fx: 24/20) (Rx+: 36/30)