Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayCleanTuesdayFront Squat, Split Jerk WednesdayBench Press5:45pm Core FlexThursdayGymnastics DevelopmentFridayBack SquatSaturdaySquad WODSundayUpper Body Push / Pull StrengthEvery 3:00, 5 Sets2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean (↑, start at 50-60% of 1RM CJ)*Hold onto bar b/t reps ConditioningAMRAP 124-8-12-16, etc.Hang Power Clean (115/80) (FX: 75/55)Front Rack Lunge (115/80) (FX: 75/55)15 Sit-Ups after each round*RX Min:...Read More
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