WOD / Events

5 Rounds for Time:
500/400m Row (FX: 400/300m)
20 Sit-Ups
15 Burpee Pull-Ups (FX: 6″ Target)
10 50′ Shuttle Runs
*35:00 Cap

Handstand Push-up/Handstand Walk Skills Clinic at 5:45 PM!
Sign up on ZenPlanner to reserve your spot!

In 15:00
Build to Heavy Hang Squat Snatch

Every 2:30, 6 Sets
2 Hang Squat Snatch w/ Pause at Hang
1-3) 60-65%
4-6) 65-70%

30 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Overhead Squat (95//65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)
15 Hang Power Snatch (95//65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)

Coach Kevin will be hosting an Olympic Lifting Seminar on
Saturday, February 3rd from 11:30 – 1:30 PM!
We are capping the class at 12, so this is a great opportunity to get some 1-1 coaching and improve your snatch, clean, and split jerk! ALL levels are welcome and encouraged to participate!
Sign-up on Zen Planner or email [email protected] if you’re interested!

In 15:00
Establish 3RM Strict Press

5 Rounds for Time:
250/200m Row (FX: 200/150m)
3 Rig Complexes
*RX: 3 Toes to Bar + 2 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups + 1 Bar Muscle-Up
*RX+: Unbroken Complex of 3-2-1
*FX: 3 Toes to Bar + 2 Pull-Ups + 1 Chest to Bar Pull-Up
*12:00 Cap

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayFront Squat
Tuesday3RM Strict Press
WednesdaySnatch5:45 PM – Handstand Push-Up / Walk Skills Clinic
ThursdayLong Conditioning
SaturdaySquad WOD7:30 AM – Seventh Heaven/Comp WOD
11:30 AM – Oly Seminar with Coach Kevin
SundayUpper Body Push / Pull

Every 3:00, 5 Sets
Front Squat
1) 4 @75-80%
2) 2 @80-85%
3) 2 @85-90%
4) 1 @90-95%
5) 1 @95-100%+

1) 6 @70-75%
2) 6 @75-80%
3-4) 4 @80-85%
5) 2 @85-90%

*The RX path is building towards a 1RM in 2 weeks, while FX is working towards a 3RM.

3 Rounds for Time:
60 Double Unders (FX: 45)
20 Jump Squats
10 Power Cleans (155/105) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 185/125)
*10:00 Cap

6 Rounds of :15 on/:45 off
1) AMRAP Calorie Row
2) AMRAP Calorie Bike
3) AMRAP Calorie Ski
4-5) Rest
*Score is total Calories


Tabata (:20 on/:10 off)
1) Alternating V-Ups OR Tuck-Ups
2) Scissor Kicks
3) Alternating Bird Dogs
4) Plank
*8 Sets, 2 rounds through

1 68 69 70 71 72 732

Upcoming Events