WOD / Events

Congratulations to Dale and Tracy Van Wagner on their new son Jack Xavier “Thor” Van Wagner!



Make sure you come out and show love to our athletes participating in the Festivus Games today at Crossfit Verity. It is an all scaled competition so that means next year it can be you. Good Luck to our Route 7 athletes.


3@75%, 2@80, 3 x 1 @ 85% (perfect technique and accuracy, you should not miss any lifts)

4 Rounds for time:
30 KBS 24/16
25 KB Dead lifts 24/16
20 OH Lunges (10/side)

Make sure you come out and show love to our athletes participating in the Festivus Games, Saturday, October 17 at Crossfit Verity. It is an all scaled competition so that means next year it can be you. Good Luck to our Route 7 athletes.


Strict Press 3 x 7
then 2 drop sets x 7 (Drop sets should be 15-20% lighter)

SuperFit Team Wod #3: Teams of 2
AMRAP 12:00
120 Goblet Squats 32/24 kg
Max Cal Row

FX: 24/16
One person working at a time



EMOM 20:
Odd: 5 TNG Power Cleans 65% of 1RM
Even: 200m run


20 Double Unders
10 C2B (use hand protection!)

Fx: pull-ups (then scale to ring rows)


If time (or on your own): 2 rounds of 2 min plank holds with 1 min rest

7@80%, 5@85%, 3@90%

AMRAP 3, 5 and For time.
20 Cal Row
30 WBS 20/14 (yes, we know we are squatting a lot this week – squats are awesome!)
20 T2B
30 Box Jumps 24″
20 Burpees
30 S2OH 135/95
Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs
FX: 20″, 115/80

Athletes should focus on pacing, efficiency of movement and saving something in the tank for the Last round.

***Free class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends (no CF experience required)!***


4 Sets, not for time of:
a) 2 strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU
b) 1 Strict Mu + 2 Kiping Muscle UPs

Fx:2) 4 Wall walks with pushup, b) 2 Strict Pull ups + 3 Strict C2B Pull Ups + 5 Kipping Pull ups
18:00 of Working time.

5 Rounds of
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/66

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