Naughty or Nice Wod for all WOD times Today. Service is at the heart of our mission, and this year’s Naughty or Nice service event is no exception. When you “Give a Gift. Get a Lift.” you help a local child in need, take part in an awesome WOD and spread a little extra holiday happiness. There are 3 ways to participate and you can find all the details and registration at So grab some toys, get your friends, and let’s rock this year’s event!

Take advantage of our Holiday Foundations Price!!! Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $49.00. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.
Weighted Pull up
5 x 5 (A)
*5 x 10 Band Face pulls between sets
“Naughty or Nice WOD”
7 Deadlift 115/75, Fx: 75/55
7 Thrusters 115/80, Fx: 75/55
7 Burpees over bar
Rx: 5 min max distance handstand walk
Fx: 5 min handstand walking practice with partner and PVC or 100 shoulder taps