Strength Every 2:00, 8 Sets 1-4) 2 High Hang Power Clean (↑, start at 50-60% of 1RM CJ) 5-8) 1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean (↑) *Hold onto bar b/t reps
Conditioning AMRAP 8 16 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Hang Power Clean (155/105) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 185/125) *RX/RX+ Min: 3 Rounds
Squad WOD AMRAP 30 w/ Partner – Alternate Full Rounds 9 Burpees Over Bar 7 Hang Power Clean 5 Front Squat 3 Shoulder to Overhead 9/7 Calorie Ski / Bike (FX: 7/5) *Barbell Weight: (95/65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 135/95)
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