WOD / Events

Schedule Changes starting 2/27:
*No 7:30 pm WODS from February 27-March 13. 7:30 pm will be open gym.
*Starting March 13,we are adding a 4:30 pm WODS to Mondays and Wednesdays.  9:00 am WODS to Saturdays.
*RESERVE FOR CLASSES: We will be increasing the Cap to 25 and staff 2 coaches for capacity classes.


2017 CrossFit Open Wod 17.1 announcement tonight at 7:30 pm. Who’s bringing Doughnuts?

(Members may use either gym to perform the WOD)

*CFR7 will hold Open WODS on Fridays                                                                                                                                                                                                  *BCF will hold Open WODS on Saturdays


Push Jerk:
5 x 5 (ME)

Row 500m all out sprint as fast as possible
Rest 3 min
Row as many meters as possible in the time it took you to row 1st 500m (all out sprint again) — i.e. If it took you 1:45 then as many meters as possible in 1:45
Rest 3 min
Row the amount of meters you got in part 2 as fast as possible (sprint) — i.e. If you got 460 m then 460m as fast as possible

Fx: 3 x 500m Row (ME)
Rest: 3:00

Turkish Get Ups
3 x 6-8 (3-4 each side)

Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push Ups

Dumbbell Open Prep
3 Sets:
15 DB Thrusters (50/35 if available) 45/30, Fx: 30/20
10 Burpees as Fast as possible
Rest: 90 seconds

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


This week we will be testing our 5RM Back Squat and Front Squat from the 20 Rep squat cycle and Friday we’ll be hitting CrossFit Open WOD 17.1. Don’t forget to hang out with us Thursday night at 6:30 pm to Watch the 17.1 announcement.


5 RM Back Squat Retest.
Option 1: Perform a 20 Rep Attempt at established 5RM
Option 2: Establish a new 5 RM


Bar Muscle Ups, Fx: Chest to Bar Pull ups
Squat Snatch @ 80%

Hoping everyone took advantage of the beautiful weather over the week. Now it’s time to grind. This week we will be testing our 5RM Back Squat and Front Squat from the 20 Rep squat cycle and Friday we’ll be hitting CrossFit Open WOD 17.1. Don’t forget to hang out with us Thursday night at 6:30 pm to Watch the 17.1 announcement.


Strength and WOD Schedule:
Monday: Hang Cleans, rope climbs and DB snatches
Tuesday: Back Squat 20 Rep Retest
Wednesday: Diane
Thursday: Push Jerk
Friday: Open Wod 17.1
Saturday: Front Squat 20 Rep Retest (May change based on 17.1)
Sunday: Power Snatch


EMOM 15:
Min 1: 5 Touch n Go Hang Power Cleans*
Min 2: 2 Legless Rope Climbs, Fx: 2 Rope Climbs
Min 3: 20 alternating DB snatches*

*choose heaviest weights possible

3 Rounds:
400m run
50 double unders
15/10 Ring Dips Fx: 9/6 Ring Dips

RX+ use high rings for ring dips


Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/

Push Press:
5 x 5 (A, ~80-85%)

Kettlebell Swings 24/16
Push Ups
Sit ups
32/24kg for RX+

50 V ups for time

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