WOD / Events

Stay in the loop with our Summer Programming Cycle hint hint wink wink. Look over there========================>


Clean Complex: 5 sets
2 High hang Cleans + 1 Low Hang Clean
(70-75% of 1RM)
*High Hang: 2-3″ dip, Shoulders behind the bar, Focus on speed under the bar
*Low Hang: Shoulders in front of bar, Bar at the top of knees

Russian KB Swings 32/24, Fx: 24/16
Push ups

3-5 sets of Skin the Cats

There will never be a “Perfect” time so start now!

Tonight at 7:30 pm: Join Coach Nicole and BJ for a free workshop at CrossFit Route 7. Learn how to combat the challenges of eating during one to the most difficult times of the year to stay focused on health and fitness. We will be discussing the foundations of a healthy diet, how to determine what foods are right for you, and talk more about the opportunity to take your nutrition to the next level with the upcoming Fall Nutrition challenge.


Team Jackie: Teams of 2
Congaline Style*
For Time:
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 pull-ups

*Athletes can not pass each other
*Team Total time is score

3 Sets for Quality:
*10 Turkish Get ups (5L/ 5R)
*10 Single Leg KB/DB Deadlift (5L/5R)
*10 Meter Handstand Walk, Fx: 15 Shoulder Taps
*12/9 AAB Cals (AFAP)

Rest as needed

There will never be a “Perfect” time so start now!

Thursday, June 14th at 7:30 pm: Join Coach Nicole and BJ for a free workshop at CrossFit Route 7. Learn how to combat the challenges of eating during one to the most difficult times of the year to stay focused on health and fitness. WE will be discussing the foundations of a healthy diet, how to determine what foods are right for you, and talk more about the opportunity to take your nutrition to the next level with the upcoming Fall Nutrition challenge.


Stay in the loop with our Summer Programming Cycle hint hint wink wink. Look over there========================>


Strict Press
3 x 10 (70-75% of 1RM)

Rest to 4-5 min between sets

“Two mini metcons”
For time:
20 Toes to bar
8 Power Clean and Jerks 225/155, Fx:155/105
*Rest: 4:00
For Time:
20 Burpee Box Jump over 24/20
10 Power Snatches 165/115, Fx: 135/95

*The Goal is 2:00-3:00 but there is no Time Cap
*Modified and Courtesy of CrossFit.com
*CFHQ RX: 245/165 and 185/125

There will never be a “Perfect” time so start now!

Thursday, June 14th at 7:30 pm: Join Coach Nicole and BJ for a free workshop at CrossFit Route 7. Learn how to combat the challenges of eating during one to the most difficult times of the year to stay focused on health and fitness. WE will be discussing the foundations of a healthy diet, how to determine what foods are right for you, and talk more about the opportunity to take your nutrition to the next level with the upcoming Fall Nutrition challenge.


Stay in the loop with our Summer Programming Cycle hint hint wink wink. Look over there========================>


Overhead Squat:
3 x 10 (A@70-75% of 1RM)

Superset with
3 x 15 Ball Slams

4 Sets of:
10 Deficit Push Ups Fx: Most Challenging Position
10 Strict Dumbbell Curl
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Bent Over Barbell Row

*Athletes choose Weights

FREE CLASS tonight at 6:45 pm. Knock out your first Foundations class at the same time! Kick start your 2018 fitness goals! Come see how our gym get results! Then save $25 on our Foundations course, 4 Classes for $74!
Limited spaces, sign up now:
It was a great day for testing our programming at @flexhq #flexonthemall2018 . The @crossfitroute7 and @ballstoncrossfit family showed up and showed out! Thanks to all the community spectators that came out and supported our athletes. #gohard #itssohot #fitness #community#liftforfreedom #teamwork

There will never be a “Perfect” time so start now!

Thursday, June 14th at 7:30 pm: Join Coach Nicole and BJ for a free workshop at CrossFit Route 7. Learn how to combat the challenges of eating during one to the most difficult times of the year to stay focused on health and fitness. WE will be discussing the foundations of a healthy diet, how to determine what foods are right for you, and talk more about the opportunity to take your nutrition to the next level with the upcoming Fall Nutrition challenge.


Monday: Deadlift
Tuesday: Overhead Squat with Accessory Strength
Wednesday: Strict Press
Thursday: Team Jackie and Strength Accessories
Friday: Clean Complex
Saturday: Chipper
Sunday: Front Squat


3 x 10 (Across: 75-80% of 1 RM)

Superset with
3 x 10 Lateral Band twist (in a lunge position)

35 Double Unders
15 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25, Fx: 25/15
10 Burpees to Plate
*Athletes should not drop bumpers
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