WOD / Events

Sign up now to start your 6 week challenge starting Monday, October 22nd and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


Yoga with Kendra tonight at 7:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Check this out! Reasons why  CrossFit Athletes need Yoga: https://www.puori.com/blog/2015/12/01/yoga-for-crossfit#


Handstand Walk technique:

Max Distance Handstand Walk

Partner WOD
2 Rounds for time:
60/45 Cal Row
60 Deadlifts (135/95) (Fx: 95/65)
60 Toes to Bar (Fx: Hanging Knee Raises)
60/45 Cal Row
60 Push Press (135/95) (Fx: 95/65)
60 Chest Bar Pull ups (Fx: Pull Ups)

Sign up now to start your 6 week challenge starting Monday, October 22nd and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


E2MOM 20 min.
Clean and Jerk (ME)

Rest at least 6:00 prior to WOD

“Battery Test 1”
30 Power Clean and Jerk
*65% of Heaviest Double
Max Burpees for remaining time


Sign up now to start your 6 week challenge starting Monday, October 22nd and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


Rope Climb Technique:

RX+: 12/9 Legless climbs for time
RX:12 Cimbs for time
Fx: 9 Climbs for time

*wear tall socks

Ski Erg
Hand Release Push Ups
Atomic sit up 45/25, Fx: 25/15, Plate to feet
Box Jumps 30/24, Fx: 24/20

Rest 1:00 between tabatas

Let’s start your day or finish it together. Free Classes are available Monday mornings and nights, register here Try US for Free

Start your 6 week challenge after your class and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you!


A big thanks to the 3 communities coming together for a night of fitness for the 7th annual BCF vs. CFR7 vs. CFSA throwdown. Congratulations to the athletes and thanks to the volunteer judges and crew for helping make this event a huge success.


Strength and Skill Schedule:
Monday: Snatch EMOM
Tuesday: Rope Climb technique
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk EMOM
Thursday: Handstand Walk and Partner WOD
Friday: Back Squat
Saturday: Deadlift
Sunday: Push Pull Supersets


E2MOM 20 min.
Snatch (ME)

Pistols (Fx; Reverse Lunges)
*50 Double Unders (30 DU’s for FX) to start the workout, between rounds and to finish the workout

4 Super Sets:
8 Tempo Bench Press (3010)
8 Pendlay Row (Heavy)

EMOM 14:
ODD: Push Jerk 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Even: Chest to Bar Pull ups, Fx: Pull ups

*Athletes choose between 7-12 reps

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