WOD / Events


3 Rounds
10 Strict T2B
5-10 Strict Pull Ups (C2B if possible)
10-15 Ring Push Ups
200m Run (Easy, recovery pace)

4 Rounds
5 Hand Release Burpees over Bar
4 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105)
3 Ring Muscle Ups, Fx: 6 Chest to bar pull ups
2 Power Snatches (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105)
1 Rope Climb
Rest 3:00 between AMRAPs. Start where you left off.


Back Squat:

Rest 2-3 mins. between sets. First 45 seconds of rest, perform slow air squats.

“AMRAP 12:
10 Reverse Back Rack Barbell lunges (135/95) (Fx: 115/80)
10 Box Jumps (30/24) (Fx: 24/20)
10 abmat situps

Rx+ 155/105″


Overview Of The Week:
Monday: Power Snatches
Tuesday: Back Squats
Wednesday: Strict Gymnastics
Thursday: Deadlifts
Friday: Bench Press
Saturday: Hang Squat Clean
Sunday: Strict Press


E2MOM 16

5 Power Snatches @ 70-75%

Does not need to be touch and go.

400 meter Run
10 Chest 2 Bar Pull ups (Fx: 10 Pull ups)
40 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50/35, Fx:35/20) (10 each side)

We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day!


E2MOM 16

5 Power Cleans

Set 1: 60%
Set 2: 60%
Set 3: 65%
Set 4: 65%
Set 5: 70%
Set 6: 70%
Set 7: 75%
Set 8: 75%

Touch and go if possible.

3 Giant Sets
5 Close Grip Bench Press Tempo 3301 (Max
5-8 Ring Rows Tempo 3003
:45-1:00 Dual Front Rack KB Hold (As heavy as possible)

We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day!

Come on out and show your skills at Top Golf Loudoun’s driving range today Saturday, April 6th at 3pm!

Sprawling entertainment venue with a high-tech driving range & swanky lounge with drinks & games. So Bring a Friend!!!

Address: 20356 Commonwealth Center Dr, Ashburn, VA 20147


Front Squat:
1×10@50% with 3 second pause at the bottom of each rep

Rest 2-3 mins. between sets. First 45 seconds of rest, perform slow air squats.

Partner WOD:
1 working/1 Resting
50 Ft. Single Arm Front Rack Walking Lunges 50/35, Fx: 35/20
50 Strict HSPU (Fx: Kipping)
50 Suitcase Carry Step ups 50/35, Fx: 35/20
50 ft. Handstand Walk

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