WOD / Events

Spring Clean Up Seminar is this evening, April 15th at 6:30PM!! (No 6:30 or 7:30PM WODS) 
Would you like to understand more about nutrition, how food can be used to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life? If you’d like to focus more on you nutrition, now is the time. If you’re coming consistently to the gym but aren’t seeing the changes you’d like, this Spring Clean-up can help get you on the right track. Kicking off the Clean-up will be a nutrition seminar, free to everyone! Be there if you can, Kettlebell Kitchen will be on-site providing tastings. After that, all participants will receive a Nutrition 101 guide, a private Facebook group for support, questions, direction, etc., and a weekly recipe and nutrition tip/knowledge. Kettlebell Kitchen is chipping in, offering 20% off for those who sign up. Territory is also in the mix, giving $25 off for first-time buyers, and 10% off for those who sign up.

Important dates:
Seminar: Monday, April 15th @ 6:30pm (No WODs 6:30 and 7:30 Wod Cancelled.
Start date: Tuesday, April 16th
End date: Wednesday, May 15th
Can I do it if I’m traveling during those 4 weeks? YES!
How much does it cost? $30. (That’s 1 dollar a day. You’re worth it).
Is there a winner/what do I win? There is no designated “winner” but you
can learn lifelong habits for how to fuel your body, feel better, and take
charge of your diet and health.
Do I have to track anything? That’s up to you! It’s highly encouraged, but if
you’re looking to just set some better habits, you can still get something out
of this.
I’m interested in tracking but have never done it before; what do I do? Part of
the Clean-up will be guidance on how to use and enter data to track meals.
Please reach out with any questions. We hope you take advantage of this
opportunity to better your health, wellness and performance.
Spring Clean Up registration is active! Lock in your $30 payment in order to receive your discount codes from Territory and Kettlebell Kitchen. Codes will be released to all registered participants a week prior to the seminar in order to ensure a clean start.
Reminder, there is no cost to attend the seminar


Overview Of The Week:
Monday: Strict Gymnastics
Tuesday: Power Clean and Push Jerks
Wednesday: Back Squats
Thursday: Deadlifts
Friday:Strict Gymnastics
Saturday: Front Squats
Sunday:Snatch Complex


3 Rounds
5-10 L-Sit Strict Pull Ups (C2B if possible)
Max Effort Unbroken Push Ups
200m Run (Easy, recovery pace)

With a parner Alternating movemts
21 Cal Row
15 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35, Fx:35/20
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20

Rx+:Assault Bike

Spring Clean Up Seminar is this upcoming Monday, April 15th at 6:30PM!! (No 6:30 or 7:30PM WODS) 
Would you like to understand more about nutrition, how food can be used to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life? If you’d like to focus more on you nutrition, now is the time. If you’re coming consistently to the gym but aren’t seeing the changes you’d like, this Spring Clean-up can help get you on the right track. Kicking off the Clean-up will be a nutrition seminar, free to everyone! Be there if you can, Kettlebell Kitchen will be on-site providing tastings. After that, all participants will receive a Nutrition 101 guide, a private Facebook group for support, questions, direction, etc., and a weekly recipe and nutrition tip/knowledge. Kettlebell Kitchen is chipping in, offering 20% off for those who sign up. Territory is also in the mix, giving $25 off for first-time buyers, and 10% off for those who sign up.

Important dates:
Seminar: Monday, April 15th @ 6:30pm (No WODs 6:30 and 7:30 Wod Cancelled.
Start date: Tuesday, April 16th
End date: Wednesday, May 15th
Can I do it if I’m traveling during those 4 weeks? YES!
How much does it cost? $30. (That’s 1 dollar a day. You’re worth it).
Is there a winner/what do I win? There is no designated “winner” but you
can learn lifelong habits for how to fuel your body, feel better, and take
charge of your diet and health.
Do I have to track anything? That’s up to you! It’s highly encouraged, but if
you’re looking to just set some better habits, you can still get something out
of this.
I’m interested in tracking but have never done it before; what do I do? Part of
the Clean-up will be guidance on how to use and enter data to track meals.
Please reach out with any questions. We hope you take advantage of this
opportunity to better your health, wellness and performance.
Spring Clean Up registration is active! Lock in your $30 payment in order to receive your discount codes from Territory and Kettlebell Kitchen. Codes will be released to all registered participants a week prior to the seminar in order to ensure a clean start.
Reminder, there is no cost to attend the seminar

We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day!


Strict Press:
3×10@60-65% with 3 sec. descent
2×10@60-65% without tempo

Rest 2 mins. between sets.

For Time:
Cash-in: 400m Run

Front Squat (135/95) (Fx: 95/65)
Russian Kettlebell Swing (32/24) (Fx: 24/20)

Cash-out: 400m Run

Spring Clean Up Seminar is this upcoming Monday, April 15th at 6:30PM!! (No 6:30 or 7:30PM WODS) 
Would you like to understand more about nutrition, how food can be used to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life? If you’d like to focus more on you nutrition, now is the time. If you’re coming consistently to the gym but aren’t seeing the changes you’d like, this Spring Clean-up can help get you on the right track. Kicking off the Clean-up will be a nutrition seminar, free to everyone! Be there if you can, Kettlebell Kitchen will be on-site providing tastings. After that, all participants will receive a Nutrition 101 guide, a private Facebook group for support, questions, direction, etc., and a weekly recipe and nutrition tip/knowledge. Kettlebell Kitchen is chipping in, offering 20% off for those who sign up. Territory is also in the mix, giving $25 off for first-time buyers, and 10% off for those who sign up.

Important dates:
Seminar: Monday, April 15th @ 6:30pm (No WODs 6:30 and 7:30 Wod Cancelled.
Start date: Tuesday, April 16th
End date: Wednesday, May 15th
Can I do it if I’m traveling during those 4 weeks? YES!
How much does it cost? $30. (That’s 1 dollar a day. You’re worth it).
Is there a winner/what do I win? There is no designated “winner” but you
can learn lifelong habits for how to fuel your body, feel better, and take
charge of your diet and health.
Do I have to track anything? That’s up to you! It’s highly encouraged, but if
you’re looking to just set some better habits, you can still get something out
of this.
I’m interested in tracking but have never done it before; what do I do? Part of
the Clean-up will be guidance on how to use and enter data to track meals.
Please reach out with any questions. We hope you take advantage of this
opportunity to better your health, wellness and performance.
Spring Clean Up registration is active! Lock in your $30 payment in order to receive your discount codes from Territory and Kettlebell Kitchen. Codes will be released to all registered participants a week prior to the seminar in order to ensure a clean start.
Reminder, there is no cost to attend the seminar
GOOD LUCK to our athletes and coaches competing in the Mid Atlantic CrossFit Challenge this weekend! If you would like to purchase tickets to cheer our athletes on after class Saturday and Sunday, you can find them here: 


We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day!


E3MOM 18
5 High Hang Squat Clean
Set 1: 55%
Set 2: 60%
Set 3: 60%
Set 4: 65%
Set 5: 65%
Set 6: 70%

Percentage based on 1RM Clean

15 Deadlifts (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
10 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
5 Push Jerks (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
Max Cal Assault Bike

Rest 4:00

15 Deadlifts (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
10 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
5 Push Jerks (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
Max Cal Row

Rest 4:00

15 Deadlifts (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
10 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
5 Push Jerks (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
Max Cal Skerg

Score is total calories. Barbell movements must be unbroken for Rx/Fx.

Spring Clean Up Seminar is this upcoming Monday, April 15th at 6:30PM!! (No 6:30 or 7:30PM WODS)
Would you like to understand more about nutrition, how food can be used to help you live a stronger, happier, and healthier life? If you’d like to focus more on you nutrition, now is the time. If you’re coming consistently to the gym but aren’t seeing the changes you’d like, this Spring Clean-up can help get you on the right track. Kicking off the Clean-up will be a nutrition seminar, free to everyone! Be there if you can, Kettlebell Kitchen will be on-site providing tastings. After that, all participants will receive a Nutrition 101 guide, a private Facebook group for support, questions, direction, etc., and a weekly recipe and nutrition tip/knowledge. Kettlebell Kitchen is chipping in, offering 20% off for those who sign up. Territory is also in the mix, giving $25 off for first-time buyers, and 10% off for those who sign up.

Important dates:
Seminar: Monday, April 15th @ 6:30pm (No WODs 6:30 and 7:30 Wod Cancelled.
Start date: Tuesday, April 16th
End date: Wednesday, May 15th
Can I do it if I’m traveling during those 4 weeks? YES!
How much does it cost? $30. (That’s 1 dollar a day. You’re worth it).
Is there a winner/what do I win? There is no designated “winner” but you
can learn lifelong habits for how to fuel your body, feel better, and take
charge of your diet and health.
Do I have to track anything? That’s up to you! It’s highly encouraged, but if
you’re looking to just set some better habits, you can still get something out
of this.
I’m interested in tracking but have never done it before; what do I do? Part of
the Clean-up will be guidance on how to use and enter data to track meals.
Please reach out with any questions. We hope you take advantage of this
opportunity to better your health, wellness and performance.
Spring Clean Up registration is active! Lock in your $30 payment in order to receive your discount codes from Territory and Kettlebell Kitchen. Codes will be released to all registered participants a week prior to the seminar in order to ensure a clean start.
Reminder, there is no cost to attend the seminar
GOOD LUCK to our athletes and coaches competing in the Mid Atlantic CrossFit Challenge this weekend! If you would like to purchase tickets to cheer our athletes on after class Saturday and Sunday, you can find them here:


We will be keeping the 9AM WOD on Sundays. We hope you enjoy the earlier option and maximize the Day!


5 Rounds
Bench Press:
10 False Grip Ring Rows

Rest 2 min. between sets

10 Handstand Push ups, Fx:Hand release Push Up
25 Double Unders
10 Pistols, Fx:10 KB Goblet Box Step up
25 Double Unders
10 meter Handstand walk, Fx:. Low Bear Crawl
25 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
25 Double Unders


E4MOM 20
Set 1: 10@60-65%
Set 2: 10@65-70%
Set 3: 10@70-75%
Set 4: 10@70-75%
Set 5: 10@75-80%

Immediately after each set, row 1 minute, easy pace, damper at 3 or less.

For time:
400 meter run with Dumbbell (50/35) (Fx:35/20)
40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Fx:35/20)
40 Wall Ball Shots

Post WOD Finisher:
2-3 sets of:
DB Curl 21’s
7 Halfway to up
7 Down to halfway
7 Full range

Superset with 1:00 low plank

1 431 432 433 434 435 744

Upcoming Events