We are excited to announce that CrossFit Route 7 will be hosting the second Route 7 Rumble Functional Fitness Competition this Saturday, April 27, 2019! Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each division. Come out and cheer on our athletes!
Divisions (RX and Novice):
E3MOM 18
5 Power Snatches
Set 1: 55%
Set 2: 60%
Set 3: 65%
Set 4: 70%
Set 5: 75%
Set 6: 80%
Does not need to be touch and go.
3 Rounds:
10 Tempo Barbell Curls 30×1
20 Tempo Banded Pull Downs 30×1
10 Lateral Delt Raise
10 Front Delt Raise
10 Weighted GHD’s/Sit Ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.