5:30/6:30 PM Classes Cancelled for Coaches Christmas Dinner!
Squad WOD
Lower Body, Core
“12 Days of Christmas Vol. 2” For Time: 1 Wall Walk 2 Goblet Squats (32/24) (FX: 24/16) 3 Deadlifts (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105) 4 Wall Balls (20/14) 5 Hang Power Clean (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105) 6 Toes to Bar 7 Box Jumps (24/20) 8 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105) 9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (FX: Pull-Ups) 10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (FX: 24/16) 11 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95) (FX: 95/65) (RX+: 155/105) 12 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Burpee Ring Muscle-Up) *36:00 Cap *Complete the workout with the same structure as the song: 1 then 2,1, then 3,2,1, then 4,3,2,1, etc.
Strength Every 2:00, 3 Rounds 1) 100’/100′ Mixed Dumbbell Overhead and Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry 2) :30/:30 Weighted Side Plank
Conditioning For Time: 15-12-9-6-3 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (Side A) Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell/Kettlebell Single Dumbbell Hang Snatch (Side B) *Weights: (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: Kettlebell 24/16) *14:00 Cap
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