WOD / Events

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
TuesdayConditioning IntervalsHoliday Schedule:
5:30am WOD
6:30am WOD
9:30am WOD
12pm WOD
WednesdayNew Year’s Day Holiday WODHoliday Schedule:
9am WOD
10am WOD
ThursdayUpper Body Health
FridaySplit Jerk
SaturdayBench Press
SundayLower Body Health

Every 3:00, 5 Sets
3 Squat Snatch
1-2) 70-75%
3-4) 75-80%
5) 80-85%
*Reset b/t reps

5 Rounds for Time:
12 Pull-Ups (FX: 9) (RX+: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups)
3 Snatch (155/105) (FX: 115/80) (RX+: 185/125)
*10:00 Cap

4 Rounds of 1:30 on, :15 off
1) AMRAP Calorie Row
2) AMRAP Calorie Bike
3) AMRAP Calorie Ski
4) Rest
*Score: Total Calories

“8 Nights of Hanukkah”
8 Rounds for Time w/ Partner – Split Reps Any Way
8 Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)
8 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar
8 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)
8 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Handstand Pushups (Fx: Hand Release Pushups)
8 Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
8 Toes to Bar
8 Thrusters (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)
*Compare to 12/16/23

Every 2:00, 3 Rounds
1) 10/10 3″ Front Foot Elevated Single Kettlebell Front Rack Split Squat
2) 10/10 Single Leg Hip Thrust
3) 10/10 Single Dumbbell Row

5 Rounds for Time:
5 50′ Shuttle Runs
15 Sit-Ups
50′ Goblet Walking Lunge (24/16) (FX: 16/12) (RX+: 32/24)
*12:00 Cap

Modified Holiday Schedule:
7:30 AM – Open Gym
9 AM, 10 AM – WOD

16/12 Calorie Row (FX: 12/8)
8 Squat Snatch (115/75) (FX: 75/55)
4 Bar Muscle-Ups (FX: 2 OR Chest to Bar Pull-Ups) (RX+: Ring)
48 Double Unders (FX: 32 OR Single Unders)
*RX/RX+ Min: 5 rounds

1 14 15 16 17 18 744

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