Every 2:00, 6 Sets
RX+: 2-4 Ring Muscle-Ups with Feet Together
RX: 1 Kip Swing with Pull to Hips + 1 Ring Muscle-Up
FX: 2x(1 False Grip Ring Row + 1 Ring Muscle-Up Transition+1 Ring Dip)
SC: :15-:30 Ring Row Hold + :15-:30 Dip Support (Boxes, Rings, etc.)
+ 4-6 Prone Y Raises w/ 3s Hold (Hold raised position)
3 Rounds for Time:
200m Run
12 Toes to Bar (FX: 8) (RX+: Unbroken)
6 Burpees Over Bar
200m Run
12 Push Press (95/65) (FX: 75/55) (RX+: 115/80)
6 Burpees Over Bar
*14:00 Cap