Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Wednesday, July 19, 2017


@Airrosti’s Dr. Justin Bryant will be at Route 7 Monday, July 24th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm offering complimentary athlete services to any members suffering from pain or an injury. These 15 minute appointments will allow them to properly assess and diagnose the source of your pain while discussing next steps to ensure you don’t miss a beat in your workouts and day to day activities.

Please follow the link to pre-register and secure an appointment.  CLICK BELOW to register

If you are not familiar; Airrosti, is a conservative, non-invasive approach for pain/injuries. Typical injury resolutions are experienced on average, within 3 visits


Rx: Strict Handstand Ups
Fx: Kipping

Handstand Push up Technique and Skills

10 Rounds For time:
2 Muscle Ups, Fx: 2 Chest to bar pull ups and 2 ring dips
3 Deadlifts 315/225, Fx: 225/155

Accumulate a 5:00 weighted Plank