Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Don’t forget about our Handstand Pushup/Handstand Walk Skills Clinic tomorrow at 6:45PM! Reserve your spot now on ZenPlanner!

Athlete Success Story – Heather and David Platt

When our family moved to Northern Virginia a few years ago, we knew we wanted to join a CrossFit box, but we weren’t sure where to start. After visiting Route 7, we were quickly convinced that this was the gym for us! The coaches were knowledgeable, helpful, and encouraging, and the people in the classes were wonderful to be around. Since that time, we’ve enjoyed every minute of our time here (well, except for the minutes when we are lying on the ground after a grueling workout…but even those are totally worth it!).

One of the things we enjoy most about CrossFit Route 7 is the opportunity to work out together. Heather is a homeschooling mom of 4 kids (with more on the way through adoption soon, Lord willing!), and getting a good workout in each morning is pretty critical to her sanity throughout the day. David pastors McLean Bible Church near the gym and travels overseas to a variety of remote places. There is nothing like back squats or burpees to train for trekking through the mountains or an intense cardio workout to help relieve some of the pressures of walking alongside people amidst a variety of challenges in their lives. Whenever we walk into the gym together each morning (or actually run into the gym… we don’t think we’ve ever been early for a workout!), we love how we’re greeted by a great coach and a great community of people from all walks of life who are ready to suffer together with smiles on their faces… at least at the end!

Without question, we are a better husband and wife, better parents, a better teacher and pastor, and better people because of the time we spend together at Route 7. And, oh yeah, hopefully, we’re better athletes, too. We’re hitting our mid-40s now, which means we can’t always keep up with the 20- and 30-somethings in the gym, but our competitive juices kick in sometimes, and we hit a personal best every once in a while!

Regardless of any score on the whiteboard, we walk out high-fiving each other, encouraged that we had a great workout… and that we didn’t hurt ourselves! In the end, we’re so grateful that God brought our paths across CrossFit Route 7, and we’re incredibly thankful for every coach and member that makes this community a place we are glad to call “home.”


E3MOM 15
6 Back Squats
1: 70 – 75%
2: 70 – 75%
3: 75 – 80%
4: 75 – 80%
5: 75 – 80%


4 Rounds
6 Right Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans
6 Right Arm Kettlebell Hang Snatches
6 Left Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans
6 Left Arm Kettlebell Hang Snatches
60 Double Unders (Fx: 40) (Rx+: 100)

Kettlebell Weights:
(24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)