Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

For those of you who haven’t heard yet, Coach Cooper will be heading out west to fight fires in the wilderness! His last day of coaching is set for June 6 (we hope he returns in the fall…depending on his future plans/goals). He has promised a few monthly challenges from the forest in the meantime. Cooper’s Farewell WOD will be Saturday June 5! Mark your calendars. We are grateful for all Cooper has done for our CFR7 family. He will be missed! GOOD LUCK COOP. We are so proud of you!!


1: :15 – :30 Parallette L-Sit (Fx: Tuck Hold)
2: :45 Weighted Plank
3: 12 Bear Crawl Bird Dawgz (Fx: Bird Dawgz)
4: 12 Weighted Dead Bugs (Fx: Unweighted)


4 Rounds
200m Run
8 Right Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans
8 Right Arm Kettlebell Push Jerks
8 Left Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans
8 Left Arm Kettlebell Push Jerks

(24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)