Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


We appreciate the time that it took to give us feedback to help us improve to be the best we can be. You asked and we listened!

on Monday WOD post we will list strength days and benchmark wods for the week
– adding a monthly mobility Wod
– committing to monthly skills classes (these count as using a WOD for Gold members)
– t-shirt design contest for more T-shirts/designs – submit your designs ASAP!
– play better music! We would love to – send us playlists on Spotify (clean music please) or bring in your playlists and we will play them during class!
– partner WODs: some of you love them, some of you hate them. We will keep doing 3-4/month
– tracking WODs and strength results: we encourage using the MyWOD app. You can set up a direct RSS feed so it pulls our workout into the app

– adding more open gym time to the schedule (Starting August-M, W, F @ 0730-0830, Evenings -TBD). Open gym athletes cannot disturb main Wod (may need to drop lifts onto crash mats). Open gym athletes must sign in and it counts as a WOD
– at the end of summer we will do a trial run of a 4:30pm Wod and/or open gym
– purchasing a grill for grilling out
– sled pulls – we have them and will be using them!
– will evaluate the current yoga day/time to see if there is a better alternative
– more coaches in large classes: Our average class size is currently 8 athletes/class. We are continuing to develop our coaching team so we can add more WODS and have secondary coaches in large WODS.


Strength Days:
Wednesday: Cleans and Front Squat
Thursday: Push Press
Frideay: Snatch
Saturday: Deadlift


Odd: 5 Muscle Ups Fx:8 Pull Ups/8 Ring dips
Even: 200 m Row

30 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts Rx: 185/125 Fx: 135/95