Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:
We appreciate the time that it took to give us feedback to help us improve to be the best we can be. You asked and we listened!
– on Monday WOD post we will list strength days and benchmark wods for the week
– adding a monthly mobility Wod
– committing to monthly skills classes (these count as using a WOD for Gold members)
– t-shirt design contest for more T-shirts/designs – submit your designs ASAP!
– play better music! We would love to – send us playlists on Spotify (clean music please) or bring in your playlists and we will play them during class!
– partner WODs: some of you love them, some of you hate them. We will keep doing 3-4/month
– tracking WODs and strength results: we encourage using the MyWOD app. You can set up a direct RSS feed so it pulls our workout into the app
– adding more open gym time to the schedule (Starting August-M, W, F @ 0730-0830, Evenings -TBD). Open gym athletes cannot disturb main Wod (may need to drop lifts onto crash mats). Open gym athletes must sign in and it counts as a WOD
– at the end of summer we will do a trial run of a 4:30pm Wod and/or open gym
– purchasing a grill for grilling out
– sled pulls – we have them and will be using them!
– will evaluate the current yoga day/time to see if there is a better alternative
– more coaches in large classes: Our average class size is currently 8 athletes/class. We are continuing to develop our coaching team so we can add more WODS and have secondary coaches in large WODS.
Strength Days:
Wednesday: Cleans and Front Squat
Thursday: Push Press
Frideay: Snatch
Saturday: Deadlift
Odd: 5 Muscle Ups Fx:8 Pull Ups/8 Ring dips
Even: 200 m Row
30 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts Rx: 185/125 Fx: 135/95