Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Attention Ladies our FREE class is this Today at 7:00 am and 7:45 pm. Knock out your first Foundations class at the same time! We are also running a **LADIES WINTER SPECIAL** on our upcoming beginners Foundations course! For only $49 you will receive 6 classes to kickstart your 2018 fitness goals! Come see how women in our gym get results and sculpt their bodies!!
Limited spaces, sign up now:
Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Strict Weighted Pull-up x 5 reps (Fx = work on 3 sets of 5-10 strict pull-ups / assisted pull-ups / ring-row)
(Record score for 5 RM weighted pull-up)
On a 20:00 Clock:

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run (sub 250m row if too cold)
Max Reps KBS (24/16 KG) (Rx+ = 32/24 KG)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Push-ups
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Pull-ups (Fx = assisted pull-ups, Rx+ = C2B)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Sit-ups (Rx+ = Toes-to-Bar)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Lunges in Place
Rest 1 minute

Score = Total Reps