Limited spots remaining in Coach Kevin’s January/February Olympic Lifting Clinics!
These clinics are open to ALL levels of lifters and will be beneficial no matter how many years you have (or have not) been lifting. Class is limited to 10 MEMBERS, first come, first serve.
Our first clinics will run from 11-12:30 pm as follows:
Sat Jan 21: Snatch
Sat Jan 28: Clean
Sat Feb 4: Split Jerk
The cost per session is $35.
You can purchase your class(es) on Zen Planner, or email Coach Anastasia at [email protected] to get set up.

Every 2:00, 5 Sets
1) 5 Strict Press (70-75%)
2) 5 Strict Press (75-80%)
3) 5 Strict Press (80-85%)
4) 8 Pause Strict Press (55-60%)
5) 8 Pause Strict Press (60-65%)
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20′ Handstand Walk after each round (FX: 3 Wall Walks) (RX+: 40′ Handstand Walk)
*14:00 Cap