Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mothers!
There are so many different types of mothers in the world — Today we celebrate ALL of you and the sacrifices you make for others! Thank you for being a perfect example of what STRONG means!

Strength – “MOM-SESH”
Every 1:30, 3 Rounds
1) 12 Dumbbell Bench Press
2) 20 Overhead Banded Tricep Extensions
3) 12 Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups (FX: Banded)
4) 20 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls
5) 20 Underhand Banded Pullaparts
For Time:
500/400m Ski (FX: 400/300)
500/400m Row (FX: 400/300m)
*5:00 Cap