Sunday, December 9, 2018


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Monday, December 10th for ALL WODS: Naughty or Nice (NoN) is an annual, global opportunity to serve local children and families in our communities by giving a gift and getting a lift. Each year host gyms collect gifts for children by partnering with reputable organizations such as Toys for Tots, local children’s hospitals, homeless shelters and more. Last year we broke our goal of helping 3,000 kids by helping 3,178. This year, help us achieve our goal of helping over 5,000 children! Sign up NOW!


Strict Press
5×2 (ME)
Finish with one set of:
AMRAP@90% of 2RM

Chest to Bar Pull ups (Fx: Pull ups)
Wall Ball Shots 20/14″

*anytime athlete breaks on a movement, immediate 3 burpee penalty